Whitney shares ...

2024’s best appreciation gifts for nurses

From offering a comforting touch to providing critical care, nurses give their all. Give back to those wh...

Marc recommends ...

Promoting mental wellness in the workplace

Prioritizing mental health is essential—and takes on more significance—during difficult times. We sha...

Gina recommends ...

Promoting mental wellness in the workplace – Canada

Mental wellness helps employees be more productive. We offer tips for promoting mental health in the work...

Matt writes ...

The new flexible work schedule: making the switch from where to when

A flexible work schedule is no longer considered just working from home—now, it’s about deciding when...

Yeng writes ...

The new flexible work schedule: Making the switch from where to when – Canada

Allowing your team to decide when they want to work is a great way to make them want to stay. We offer id...

Mae writes ...

5 tips for effective remote performance reviews

When no one is in the office, how do you effectively assess your staff? We share tips for improving your ...

Mae writes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus – Canada

Emails, text messages, phone calls and office chatter. Maintaining focus in today’s work environment is...

Cindy describes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus

Distractions at work raise stress and lower productivity. We offer 5 tips to help employees maintain focu...

Amy writes ...

Bridging the gap by implementing the hybrid office – Canada

Remote work is here to stay. Offer employees the flexibility they desire by adopting a blended work model...

Andrea describes ...

Making a hybrid office work for your organization

The majority of employees want the option to work remotely at least a few days each week. We offer tips o...