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Simple ways to increase recurring donations throughout the year

Did you know that in a single year, recurring donors give 42% more than one-time donors?

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Simple ways to increase recurring donations throughout the year – Canada

Recurring gifts help you run your organization more effectively. With a simple donation setup, a lot of g...

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Sparkling clean: Reusable gifts for clear, safe water

Keeping water clean and safe starts with daily habits. See how Partners for Clean Streams takes action by...

Cheryl recommends ...

Spreading awareness about motorcycle safety with help from cooler giveaways

The Tim Jordan Memorial Fund Co. provides much-needed funds to pay expenses for injured motorcyclists and...

Cheryl recommends ...

Stuffed-full tote bag giveaways for new moms: A helping hand for little ones

Shiney Hiney Diaper Pantry provides tote bag giveaways loaded with diapers, wipes and other supplies, to ...