How to shake up your next gala – Canada
How can your nonprofit shake things up to make its next gala one your community members will want to atte...
4imprint® Donates Promotional Products to Hundreds of Charitable Organizations Through its one by one® Program
4imprint donated $208,000 in promotions to 416 charities, and community organizations through its one by ...
Mitchell Yancey Healthy Families: one by one story
The Mitchell Yancey Healthy Families initiative, a nonprofit organization, revived a promotional products...
4imprint® announces 134 additional one by one® promotional product grants to charitable organizations
Introducing one by one®, 4imprints® charitable giving and fund-raising program.
one by one® story: Guardians of the Children
Guardians of the Children uses nonprofit promotional items to raise funds and educate the public in an ef...
Promoting diversity in the workplace: The difference difference makes: 4imprint® presents latest Blue Paper® and podcast
4imprint’s Blue Paper and podcast discuss promoting diversity in the workplace. Learn about the differe...
Diversity in the Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC]
Workplace diversity is not just about differences in people and their culture, but a variety of ideas.
Promoting diversity in the workplace: The difference difference makes
Diversity is critical to company success. This Blue Paper offers tips on promoting diversity in the workp...
An event planning checklist for knockout events
Event planning can be challenging and it is very time-consuming. The process can be overwhelming but with...
Pledge cards, donation forms and remit envelopes: Getting the most from your fundraising materials
True, these materials may be second only to “the ask,” but pledge cards, donation forms and remittanc...