Sarah recommends ...

5 memorable and creative ways to share critical government information

Dispel myths, clear up jargon and gain citizen buy-in with these creative ways to share government inform...

Cindy suggests ...

5 employee relocation tips to spark interest in your community – Canada

Living in a community can help government and agency staff better understand its nuances. These employee ...

Rebecca writes ...

5 employee relocation tips to spark interest in your community

Living in the community can help government teams better understand it. Get employee relocation tips to c...

Zach shares ...

5 diverse hiring practices for your organization – Canada

Diverse hiring practices like training your interviewers and listening to candidate concerns can help you...

Liz suggests ...

5 diverse hiring practices for your organization

Promote DEI in your agency with diverse hiring practices such as expanding your recruitment channels and ...

Adam shares ...

5 creative ideas for parking lot utilization – Canada

If your city has unused parking lots or even unused parking spots, we offer creative ideas for transformi...

Tiffany writes ...

5 creative ideas for parking lot utilization

Vast, empty parking lots can be quite useful for members of the community. Instead of letting them sit, w...

Alexis writes ...

5 co-creation tips to build better citizen participation

When you offer a new service to your community, co-creation can enhance citizen participation as you unco...

Angie recommends ...

4 winning ways to entice startups to your community – Canada

If you want to show startups that your area is a place they can thrive, try out these tips coupled with p...

Meghan shares ...

4 winning ways to entice startups to your community

More than 600,000 new businesses are formed every year—and many need a community to call home.