Amy describes ...

How to polish up virtual sales calls: tips for before, during and after – Canada

If your sales team is trying to polish their approach to virtual sales calls, we offer ideas to build rap...

Matt likes ...

How to plan for a trade show, no matter your budget – Canada

Your team can draw big crowds even on a small budget. We discuss how to plan for a trade show using fewer...

Karri discusses ...

How to plan a parade that’s one for the books – Canada

If you’re tasked with planning your agency’s parade entry—or the entire parade—here are several t...

Cory suggests ...

How to optimize your website for voice search – Canada

Half of all internet searches will be voice prompted by 2020. Make sure your website can be found easily ...

Marc likes ...

How to motivate students – Canada

Help students get the most out of every lesson. We offer tips and motivational giveaways to motivate stud...