Andy recommends ...

How to shake up your next gala – Canada

How can your nonprofit shake things up to make its next gala one your community members will want to atte...

Tiffany discusses ...

Amp up your fun run with these 5 winning tips – Canada

Run/walk season is fast approaching. Charity runs (and walks) can increase fundraising dollars, raise awa...

Andy recommends ...

Grab-worthy parade giveaways they’ll line the route for – Canada

Make sure your giveaways include the name of your organization, tie into the parade theme, and provide va...

Adam likes ...

5 creative ways to build relationships through online networking – Canada

If you want to build meaningful relationships with potential volunteers and donors, online networking is ...

Adam describes ...

Creative marketing ideas to make the most of your budget – Canada

When you need to stretch your budget, try these creative marketing ideas to engage supporters and volunte...