4imprint, LLC

| Updated: March 12, 2021 3 min read

By the year 2020, These tips and company giveaways can help ensure your website is “hearing” their requests.


Claim your space

According to Google, To make sure search engines are sending customers to your company, update your address on:

  • Google My Business™
  • Yelp®
  • Bing®
  • YellowPages®
  • WhitePages®
  • Your local chamber of commerce
  • FourSquare®
  • Facebook®


Optimize your website for mobile use

When people ask the voice prompt on their phone or tablet about your business, they’re likely to visit your website directly to look for the information they need. Optimizing your website for mobile will make it easier for them to go from searching to scrolling. This means your site will need to be adjusted so that it’s easier to read on a phone or tablet.


Add long-tail keywords to your site

Long-tail keywords—three- to four-word phrases clients may use in search—help customers who are looking for specific items or services. For example, the word “sofa” is common and can make it easy to get lost in the search shuffle. But the long-tail keyword “antique love seat” will pull in customers who know exactly what they’re looking for and are more likely to buy.


Request reviews

Getting reviews on sites like Facebook and Google will help push you to the top of search rankings when people ask for terms like:

  • The best
  • Best reviewed
  • Most popular

What’s more, 84% of people trust an online review as much as they trust a review from a friend. Ask customers to review your business on their website of choice. Give these thank-you gifts for customers to show your appreciation—consider handing out company gifts, like chocolate or candy, to show gratitude.


Answer customer questions

Voice search has altered how people ask questions online. A potential customer might type “best burger recipe” into a search engine, but they’ll more likely say “What’s the best recipe for a burger?” when speaking to a device. Use your blog or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to ask and answer questions in a more conversational style. This allows you to answer the questions they ask. Not sure what your customers want to know? Just ask! Create a social media poll to get feedback. Encourage people to answer by offering thank-you gifts for customers. Fun, useful items, such as a reusable straw or BlenderBottle®, are a great way to say thanks and show off your brand. If you want to offer something a little more high-end, wireless earbuds will let customers know you’re listening.


Hearing customers is key

Every time a customer voices a question, you have an opportunity to give them the info they need. By offering company giveaways and putting these tips into practice, you’ll make sure your website hears every word.


Top takeaways

  • Optimize your website for mobile so customers go from asking to clicking to scrolling with ease.
  • Get customer reviews to help customers find you when looking for “the best” business.
  • Use your FAQ page or blog to answer common customer questions.