4imprint, LLC

| Updated: November 11, 2022

Think of all the employees who make a difference every day at your medical facility: doctors, nurses, administrative assistants, cleaning crew members and dozens of others. They help make sure every person who comes through the door feels cared for in the best possible way.

Your employees need to know that you care about them as much as they care about everyone else. A recent study showed that when given positive recognition as little as once a month, 75 percent of employees reported being more satisfied with their job. Daily recognition brought that number up to 94 percent.

Show the employees in your workplace just how much you value their hard work with these staff appreciation gift ideas.

Giving doctors their due

In the U.S., March 30 is National Doctors’ Day, commemorating the day in 1842 when anesthesia was first used in surgery. Here in Canada, some provinces piggyback on that designation. Others observe their own Doctors’ Day, like Ontario, which celebrates it May 1. But the truth is, any day is a perfect day to celebrate the surgeons, pediatricians, specialists, dentists and family doctors who help healthy people stay healthy and assist the sick in getting better. Remind doctors they need to take care of themselves, too. Unique bottles or vacuum travel tumblers make great gifts.

Nurses are the backbone of the medical industry

The medical world runs on the power of great nurses, and they deserve every bit of recognition you can offer them. After all, it is their vital sign checks, listening ears and careful attention to detail that help people get well and stay well. Offer nurses a fun little employee recognition gift with a stethoscope-wearing stylus pen. It’s great for taking notes, working with a smart screen or entertaining nervous young patients.

Appreciate those who take care of the caregivers

Your human resources staff might seem like they’re behind the scenes, but in reality, they’re essential to your day-to-day success. Whether it’s answering an employee question on the fly or wading through paperwork to make sure all procedures are being updated and followed, HR clears the way for everyone else to do their job. Show them that their work family appreciates them a special picture frame. Or give them a commuter tech set  that makes going from home to office a much easier task.

Remind everyone you’re glad they’re on the team

Employees working together as a team are essential to any company’s success. So, give your staff some hearty thanks, whether with words or these staff appreciation gift ideas—or both!