4imprint, LLC

| Updated: July 08, 2022

According to Benefits Canada, 58 percent of Canadian workers are stressed every day. And the problem gets worse if you go south. The American Institute of Stress (AIS) reports that a staggering 80 percent of U.S. workers feel stressed, and half of them say they need help managing it. Stress is a highly personal emotion that can vary widely, even for people in identical situations, according to the AIS.

Although the cause of stress varies from person to person, one thing is for sure: everyone experiences it. When not properly managed, stress can affect a person’s  body, mood and behaviour. It can cause headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, anxiety, depression, unhealthy eating and social withdrawal.

Help your workers get rid of stress with these tips and giveaways

Practice meditation

According to Mayo Clinic®, even a few minutes of meditation can do wonders to alleviate stress. What’s more—it can be done almost anywhere! Encourage workers to focus on their breathing and repeat a mantra—it can be unique to each person—while sitting at their desks. Or they could take a focused walk, concentrating on the movement of their feet and legs. For additional support, bring in an expert for guided meditation. Enhance the experience with a giveaway. Diffusing essential oil in a Zen Electronic Diffuser brings tranquility to an office or cube. Or send hard working staff home with a Zen Essential Oil Roller Bottle of therapeutic oils.

Start exercising

Exercise is directly tied to stress reduction. It increases the production of endorphins while improving a person’s energy level, mood and ability to sleep. Make it easy for staff to get their daily exercise by covering part of the cost to join a gym. Or offer flexible schedules—allow them to stay late or come in early. Get the whole office involved by organizing workplace walks.

Get organized

According to an article in Psychology Today®, mess equals stress. It sends subconscious signals to the brain that work is never done, which can be distracting and overwhelming. Make sure staff members stay organized by giving them a logo’d attaché, complete with plenty of pockets and pouches. Organize an office cleanup day and thank participants with a tool to help them stay tidy, such as a branded cord organizer.

Curb interruptions

Emails, texts and -chatty co-workers can be very distracting. One study found employees take anywhere from 15 seconds to 23 minutes to recover from interruptions. It’s not surprising that being interrupted leads to feelings of frustration and higher stress levels. Urge workers to silence their phones and use Door Hangers to show their availability. For more open workspaces, some corded ear plugs or ear buds may keep workers from being distracted.


Kiss stress goodbye with these helpful tips and stress-relief giveaways. Healthier bodies, moods and minds await!