one by one®: REDgen
REDgen is a nonprofit that launched in 2021 after several suicides in a small Milwaukee community. It began as a reactive organization responding to a crisis. Today, informed by accredited clinicians and researchers, REDgen is focused on prevention with the understanding that impactful prevention begins with building resilience.
The nonprofit’s name comes from its approach: Resilience through EDucation for a new GENeration. “Through our youth resiliency education curriculum, we strive for a zero-suicide rate,” said Lisamarie Arnold, executive director.
Raising resilient youth
REDgen’s evidence-based curriculum helps youth build resilience, improve mental well-being and prevent suicide through peer-to-peer support. The school-based model empowers students to develop perseverance and support one another. Research shows this approach is effective.
“We know from our research that students talk to peers before they go to an adult,” Arnold said. REDgen has 32 school chapters throughout Wisconsin and one in Chicago. Each chapter is a beacon of hope and support, creating a community of care where students can thrive. In addition to the resilience-building curriculum, REDgen trains peers through an evidence-based suicide prevention program called QPR (question, persuade and refer).
Promotional bandanas send a signal
REDgen hosts an annual rally that brings students together to share stories and resources. Its most recent event was held in November at Marquette University and included about 500 people. A one by one grant provided bandanas given to students who are trained to provide peer-to-peer support. A student wearing one of the promotional bandanas signals to other students that the person is ready and willing to help. Arnold said they’ve been a big hit.
“They can’t wear their T-shirt every day, but they can tie their REDgen bandana to their backpack and have it there every day,” Arnold said. “Students see the bandana and know they can ask for help. It’s literally the red flag. It’s the beacon.”
A note from Cheryl
REDgen’s mission of improving youth mental well-being and preventing suicide is critical. We were proud to support this work by providing promotional bandanas for the peer-to-peer program. If you’re interested in a one by one grant, visit