4imprint, LLC

Posted: May 13, 2024 | Updated: January 16, 2025 3 min read

one by one®: My Hometown Carrollton

Driven by passionate volunteers who love their community, My Hometown Carrollton—a Main Street Program—provides local support and resources to revitalize its downtown. Team members work to preserve the charm, structural integrity and economy of the downtown square.

“We wanted to focus on preserving our downtown historic square as buildings were being vacated, torn down and left in disrepair. We wanted to create a vibrant business district—which is the heart of our downtown—for our community,” said Kristine Molloy, executive director.

My Hometown Carrollton collaborates with other statewide Main Street Programs, as well as a national one. It operates through four distinct committees, each focusing on an aspect of revitalization.

Economic Vitality Committee

Playing a pivotal role, the Economic Vitality Committee connects people interested in opening a business downtown with the right resources. “When someone reaches out, this committee puts them in contact with realtors and property owners. It also shares information on how to start and promote a small business,” Molloy shared.

Organization Committee

Another important group is the Organization Committee, which keeps residents engaged in and supportive of downtown initiatives. Committee members survey the public, manage fundraising events and run volunteer programs.

Design Committee

Visually, the Design Committee ensures the downtown area is as welcoming as it is functional. It focuses on the small details that make a big difference, like installing planters and banners on light poles, adding murals and designing crosswalks that enhance the streetscape.

Promotions Committee

Aiming to draw people downtown, the Promotions Committee fosters a stronger sense of community by hosting festivals and events. Committee members help with the farmers market, parades and other exciting gatherings that bring the square to life.

Promotional travel mugs stir up engagement

In an effort to stand out creatively, My Hometown Carrollton used promotional travel mugs, purchased with a one by one grant. For everything from driving donations to rewarding volunteers, the mugs make an appealing gift.

“We hosted a fundraiser where we filled the mugs with items and gave them out as rewards to people who won different fundraiser competitions that evening. We’ve also been using the mugs as volunteer rewards, and we incorporated them into some of our online promos that involved the community,” Molloy said. “We also have them for sale at our boutique mercantile store and feature them in our monthly newsletter.”

A note from Cheryl

My Hometown Carrollton shows that by working together, community members can revitalize their downtown and spark greater local pride. 4imprint is honored to have provided the promotional travel mugs used for so many different purposes. If you’re interested in a one by one grant, visit onebyone.4imprint.com.