4imprint, LLC

Posted: May 06, 2024 | Updated: January 16, 2025 2 min read

one by one®: March for Moms

In 2016, a dynamic duo—an OB-GYN and a midwife—noticed something alarming: moms were dying during childbirth and, on a national level, few people were talking about it. The pair started the conversation by organizing a march in Washington, D.C., to garner attention. That’s how March for Moms was born, shining a spotlight on the nation’s maternal health crisis.

Amplifying voicesTwo people standing behind branded event table.

March for Moms provides support to grassroots heroes. “Community organizations are already doing lifesaving work and serving moms. We want to ensure they have the tools and resources they need to continue to save lives,” said Laneceya Russ, executive director.

But that’s not all the organization does. It advocates for policy change that ties back to its mission. Team members provide supporters with education about important policies so they can reach out to their politicians and make their voices heard.

Recently, March for Moms teamed up with a stillbirth prevention organization to shed light on a woman who tragically lost her and her baby’s life during childbirth. This collaboration inspired a flood of personal stories from mothers, highlighting the critical need for healthcare providers to genuinely listen to and trust their patients’ experiences.

Promotional first-aid kits are given to passersby

March for Moms is dedicated to featuring many types of moms in their materials to ensure everyone feels represented and welcomed. A touching moment occurred when a pregnant mom wearing a hijab approached the organization’s table, expressing how their inclusive materials made her feel comfortable and open to speaking with the staff.

Team members wanted a practical gift to give people, like the mother who stopped by their booth. Thanks to a one by one grant, March for Moms ordered promotional first-aid kits. “We use the kits for our community outreach and engagement. It’s a great gift people can carry with them. It’s something practical and related to the work we’re doing,” Russ said.

A note from Cheryl

It’s incredible to see how March for Moms is making a difference in the fight against maternal mortality. 4imprint is honored to have provided the promotional first-aid kits used to help spread the word. To learn more about a one by one grant, visit onebyone.4imprint.com.