4imprint, LLC

Posted: November 04, 2024 | Updated: January 16, 2025 3 min read

one by one®: Combat To Creative

Combat To Creative is a Minnesota nonprofit dedicated to supporting veterans’ mental and physical well-being. It was founded by Matthew Skipper, who spent six years in the U.S. Army and was wounded in Iraq in 2004. After returning from overseas, he worked as an EMT, then started a photography business before realizing he had lingering effects from his time in combat that he needed to address.

He spent a week at a veterans’ hospital and was introduced to art therapy. It allowed him to “find his center and recharge,” Skipper said. In 2023, he was inspired to launch a nonprofit to help other veterans experiencing similar issues. And so began Combat To Creative. “It’s about community, it’s about connection, it’s about self-improvement,” said Skipper, who serves as the organization’s veteran and community outreach coordinator, among other roles.

Zooming in on well-beingA branded event table.

Combat To Creative carries out its mission through two initiatives. One is its photography program. Skipper gathers with a group of veterans outdoors, provides them with photography equipment, and allows them to explore and take photos. “We talk a little about the cameras and how focusing through a small reticle brings your focus away from everything else for a while,” he said. “Then we cut them loose for about an hour and a half and ask them to take photos of anything, with the exception of big landscapes. We want them to focus on the minor things, the little things.”

The photography workshops offer veterans opportunities to socialize, be active, explore nature, be mindful and be creative. All of these aspects can improve mental health and well-being.

For the organization’s second initiative, it collects and distributes art supplies to veterans to be used in art therapy or similar programs. When Skipper was at the VA hospital, he had access to art supplies and equipment. But as is often the case, once he left, his access was gone. Combat To Creative helps provide these resources to people who benefit from drawing, painting, writing and other artistic endeavors.

Providing hats for vets fosters connection

A one by one grant provided dad caps for the organization to hand out during outreach and fundraising events. Skipper also carries a few with him when he’s out in the community, knowing he might run into somebody curious about the hat he’s wearing and be able to hand them one.

The hats have proven to be popular. During outreach events, they are given to winners of a prize drop game and give a boost to fundraising. “We’re in Minnesota and everybody wears hats,” Skipper said with a smile. “Veterans love hats too. We all had to wear them forever in the military.”

A note from Cheryl

Combat To Creative has an inspiring story, from its founding to its work to support Minnesota veterans and their mental and physical health. We were honored to provide hats for vets and help the organization spread the word. If you’re interested in a one by one grant, visit onebyone.4imprint.com.