Adam shares ...

Helpful Planning Tips to Transition Your Nonprofit’s Board of Directors –

Nonprofit board members come and go for a variety of reasons. Having succession strategies in place will ...

Angie discusses ...

High-end executive gifts to show appreciation and retain top leadership talent

Retain top leadership talent with high-end executive gifts that show you appreciate their hard work and d...

Andy discusses ...


This Blue Paper explores how Holacracy works, why it’s challenging to implement and best practices for ...

Cheryl discusses ...

How journal giveaways award students striving for success

Success 1st helps students pick a goal in life and then strive for it, learning new skills along the way....

Shaun describes ...

How to be a Good Manager

Amazing leaders share several commonalities. Discover the top traits a good manager possesses.

Sherry suggests ...

Improving Parent Teacher Conferences

Learn about improving parent teacher conferences by encouraging participation and providing valuable feed...

Sarah writes ...

Increase Job Satisfaction by Building Relationships at Work

The average American spends more time with his or her coworkers than with family or friends.

Suzanne discusses ...

Introducing Suzanne Worwood: Travel, photos and the best promotional products

Suzanne Worwood is 4imprint's VP of Merchandising. In her blog, she shares her travels, photos and some o...

Cindy likes ...

Promoting diversity in the workplace: The difference difference makes

Diversity is critical to company success. This Blue Paper offers tips on promoting diversity in the workp...

Diane likes ...

Promoting diversity in the workplace: The difference difference makes: 4imprint® presents latest Blue Paper® and podcast

4imprint’s Blue Paper and podcast discuss promoting diversity in the workplace. Learn about the differe...