Rebecca describes ...

7 in-person and virtual class icebreaker activities for summer school

Help students feel relaxed and comfortable, so they’ll be more engaged during summer school. Try these ...

Sherry describes ...

7 in-person and virtual class icebreaker activities for summer school – Canada

Encourage more student engagement at summer school by helping students break the ice. We offer fun icebre...

Callie chooses ...

Gifts for remote employees to help strengthen virtual connections

When your team feels connected, your company becomes stronger. We offer 4 ideas plus gifts for remote emp...

Danielle describes ...

Gifts for remote employees to help strengthen virtual connections – Canada

Help your virtual or hybrid team bond and connect with each other in their everyday work. We offer helpfu...

Jason discusses ...

5 active listening tips for students and teachers – Canada

Developing good listening skills can improve learning and help build classroom relationships. We offer ac...