Amy describes ...

Little-known tools that reduce event planning stress

Hosting an event for your nonprofit is a lot of work. For it to be successful, you need to raise enough m...

Andy shares ...

Jump-start community growth with a neighbourhood beautification project – Canada

Starting a neighbourhood beautification initiative can have an incredibility positive impact on a communi...

Molly writes ...

Jump-start community growth with a neighborhood beautification project

Neighborhood beautification initiatives can attract new businesses and residents, help revitalize a neigh...

Sarah discusses ...

Indigenous Outreach International: one by one story

Indigenous Outreach International, was the recipient of a promotions grant through 4imprint's one by one ...

Tiffany describes ...

How to use virtual event storytelling to pique interest – Canada

How can you enhance your virtual event to capture and hold attendees’ attention? One way is through sto...