Jon writes ...

5 unforgettable celebration and teacher appreciation gift ideas – Canada

Teachers deserve heartfelt appreciation all year long. We offer the best memorable teacher appreciation g...

Sandy describes ...

The importance of time off from work (even though we’re home more often) – Canada

If you’re trying to show employees the importance of time off from work, we explain the benefits of vac...

Karla writes ...

5 affordable employee appreciation gift ideas – Canada

Show employees you recognize their hard work. We share five affordable employee appreciation gift ideas t...

Sarah recommends ...

Hybrid Workforces: Continuing the blended work model – Canada

As many companies transition to a hybrid workforce, you may be wondering how to make this process easier ...

Mark likes ...

Boost morale with thoughtful ideas and recognition gifts for employees – Canada

When staff know they’re appreciated, they often feel motivated to work harder. We have tips for buildin...