Meghan discusses ...

7 helpful silent auction tips

We can’t keep quiet about these silent auction tips. If you’re looking to kick yours up a notch, we s...

Josh likes ...

7 helpful silent auction tips – Canada

We want to shout these silent auction tips from the rooftops! Raise even more dollars by trying these hel...

Ryan writes ...

Matching gifts: 4 strategies to easily drive more donations

Maximizing donations by doubling each one can have a twice as nice impact on your community. Learn how ma...

Whitney discusses ...

Matching gifts: 4 strategies to easily drive more donations – Canada

Want to get twice as many donations without double the work? It’s easier than you may think. We explain...

Cheryl discusses ...

How outdoor sail signs help keep a beautiful oasis sustainable

From towering forests to sweeping grasslands, Fish Creek is an oasis. Friends of Fish Creek uses outdoor ...

Cheryl writes ...

How branded tablecloths provide a dignified experience

Watts Empowerment Center hosts a farmers market for a housing project community. The organization uses br...

Cheryl discusses ...

Setting youth up for business success with junior portfolio gifts

To encourage financial freedom, Lynn Brown Inspires uses entrepreneurship programs and items, like junior...

Sarah digs ...

Giving back to generous golfers with branded golf towels

Donors make Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre’s support groups and practical help possible. Staff show...

Sarah writes ...

Bringing comforting gifts and other resources to those with autism

For those on the autism spectrum, sensory support and comforting gifts given during emotionally charged s...

Anne shares ...

one by one® Program Grants Nonprofit Promotional Products to Over 750 Organizations

The one by one® program gave nonprofit promotional products to more than 750 organizations in 2020, help...