Amy chooses ...

4 healthcare time management strategies for busy staff members – Canada

When you work in healthcare, you’re always on the go. We offer healthcare time management strategies to...

Sherry discusses ...

Promoting the benefits of positivity – Canada

Positivity is powerful. Knowing how to remain optimistic can result in better stress management and a hig...

Tiffany shares ...

Promote the benefits of positive thinking

Remaining optimistic can make a big difference in your patients’ quality of life. We offer ideas you ca...

Mark writes ...

3 tips for creating a positive workplace culture

Creating a positive workplace culture can benefit your healthcare organization by attracting new staff an...

Karla writes ...

5 ways to improve staff engagement – Canada

Improving staff engagement in your healthcare organization can contribute to happier patients and more ef...

Matt writes ...

5 ways to improve staff engagement

Getting your staff invested in your organization improves patient care and your bottom line. We share 5 h...

Sarah recommends ...

Local sports sponsorships for healthcare organizations: Types, tips and benefits – Canada

Local sports sponsorships have more to offer than community goodwill. They can also get more eyes on your...

Rebecca writes ...

Local sports sponsorships for healthcare organizations: Types, tips and benefits

Local sports sponsorship can get your healthcare organization seen and provide other advantages too. We t...

Alysia discusses ...

How can we help? Call centre best practices – Canada

When patients get in touch with your call centre or hotline, it’s because they need help. Make every co...

Matt describes ...

How can we help? Call center best practices

Help patients get what the need, when they need it, by providing a seamless customer experience. These ca...