Cheryl writes ...

Supporters receive promotional aprons for sharing recipes for cookbook

MEND, a New Jersey nonprofit, offers promotional aprons as a thank-you to people who share a recipe and t...

Cheryl discusses ...

Cycling change: How bicycles and promotional bike water bottles make an impact

A nonprofit cycling shop is using bicycle donations to build strong communities. Promotional bike water b...

Cheryl describes ...

Donor thank-you gifts for supporters of brain injury survivors

Liberty Place helps brain injury survivors aim for independence. Donor thank-you gifts, like lunch sets a...

Cheryl writes ...

Promotional car magnets amplify parental pride

P.K. Soccer Academy gives overlooked children the chance to be part of a competitive traveling soccer tea...

Andrea digs ...

amplify®: Volunteer giveaways to the rescue

The nonprofit food rescue organization Rescuing Leftover Cuisine uses volunteer giveaways to recruit new ...