Gina recommends ...

Promoting mental wellness in the workplace – Canada

Mental wellness helps employees be more productive. We offer tips for promoting mental health in the work...

Yeng writes ...

The new flexible work schedule: Making the switch from where to when – Canada

Allowing your team to decide when they want to work is a great way to make them want to stay. We offer id...

Mae writes ...

5 ways reduce distractions at work and improve employee focus – Canada

Emails, text messages, phone calls and office chatter. Maintaining focus in today’s work environment is...

Amy writes ...

Bridging the gap by implementing the hybrid office – Canada

Remote work is here to stay. Offer employees the flexibility they desire by adopting a blended work model...

Tiffany discusses ...

Engaging volunteers post-pandemic – Canada

Need to engage volunteers now that things are slowly opening up again? We offer tips to capture and keep ...