4imprint, LLC

| Updated: July 12, 2023

 Surveys are truly a win-win scenario for businesses and consumers. Customers offer you feedback that you can implement to ultimately benefit that same customer. In other words, you get better at serving customers and they, in turn, have a better experience with you.

But often, customers see surveys as time-consuming and bothersome. It is easy for them to forget about completing a survey. According to PeoplePulse, the average survey has only a 10 percent to 20 percent response rate. Luckily, there are some easy ways to improve the chances of getting more results. Keep the survey brief. And don’t underestimate the power of small business promotional items.

Financial incentives

Research has shown that offering an immediate financial reward is the best incentive to get customers to answer a survey. Even a small amount of money—$1 to $5 for a 5- to 10-minute survey—is often enough to convince the customer to provide honest answers. If you prefer not to give cash, gift your customers a coupon that they can use to collect a discount or a free product at a later date. With this method, you ensure the customer comes back to your business to redeem the offer!

Small gifts

Studies have shown that small gifts are excellent incentives for survey participation.  Even at a budget-conscious price, promotional products can still help you get the survey data you need to improve your business. If your customers are completing the survey at your location, consider useful small business promotional items like a phone stand, a foldable water bottle or a fidget spinner cube. If you prefer to send incentives after a survey has been completed, the plant seed packet and pocket calendar can be easily sent in the mail as a thank-you gift.

Sweepstakes items

Offering everyone who completes the survey a chance to win one higher-priced item can keep your budget in check. Studies have shown that customers will usually participate in a survey if they can win one of a few mid-level prizes or one high-end prize. If your sweepstakes feature a mid-level prize, try the plush blanket. If you’re going for one grand prize, consider something with a higher-value, like a laptop bag.

When they win, you win

Small business promotional items are a great way to encourage customers to complete your surveys. And with each survey you receive, you can make your business that much better for customers. That makes surveys (and survey incentives) a big win for everyone.