4imprint, LLC

3 min read

Burnout has impacted government employee retention, and many agencies are struggling to fill vacancies. According to Statistics Canada, more than a third of Canadian workers are feeling burned out. And public sector employees are no exception.

The good news is research shows there are ways to help prevent employee burnout. By identifying key issues and working toward improvement, employee satisfaction—and retention—can increase. Government promotional products can help too. We have four tips to help get you started.


Leverage tools and technology

Telework and flexible schedules can help employees feel happier at their jobs, which prevents burnout. In fact, increasing flexibility has been shown to be an effective talent retention tool. Agencies have had to adapt to many changes over the last couple of years, which provided the opportunity to update procedures and technology, making working from home a welcomed option for many people.

Telework can lead to lower operational costs, more innovative employees and increased employee engagement. Help your employees stay connected with a technology-friendly stylus pen, cleaning cloth or ear buds.


Communicate well

Lack of communication and support from management can lead to burnout. Are your employees feeling ignored or overworked? Ask them! Create an anonymous survey to see how employees are feeling and what issues are of the highest concern. Creating an open and honest culture will encourage employees to share ideas and improve your overall business. Assure them there will be no repercussions or judgment.

Your workers may be feeling confused and overwhelmed, as lack of role clarity is one of the leading causes of burnout. Be sure your leadership is setting clear expectations. A magnet could be a quick reference for company values while a thoughtful greeting card could be a way for a manager to express thanks for their workers’ honesty.

Provide resources and training

One of the key causes of burnout is stress. Government employees in the public sector often require unique soft skills, such as empathizing with unhappy citizens, to effectively interact with the public. Because of this emotional side of the job, researchers recommend providing resources and training to reduce emotional labor.

Government promotional products, like a notepad and combo pen/highlighter, make note taking  during training easy.

Create partnerships with educational institutes

Public sector jobs are rewarding because employees can feel good about the work they do to serve the community and help people. But often, agencies are tasked with doing more with less, leading to lower salaries and fewer benefits for employees. Finding the right person for the right job is key. Ideal candidates are those who are more interested in making a difference than scoring a specific salary.

Reach out to local schools to see if any up-and-coming candidates fit the bill. Ask current employees for references. Online education and telework means you don’t have to be limited to the local pool of candidates.


Boost your government employee retention

With proactive measures and intentional planning, you’re on your way to preventing employee burnout.