7 customer survey tips
- Collect real-time feedback
- Keep questions simple
- Ask follow-up questions
- Speak their language
- Get internal and external reviews
- Avoid biased questions
- Offer an incentive
When done right, customer surveys show that you genuinely care about what your customers want and need. And showing customers you care is more critical now than ever. Sixty-two percent of customers said they want brands to care about them more.
![Woman reading birthday card with a business logo on it.](https://info.4imprint.com/wp-content/uploads/4imprint-ENews-Banner-May-2022-SB-CustomerSurvey-D01V01.00.jpg)
And 60% say they’d purchase more from a company that treated them better. Creating better customer surveys can help you learn exactly how customers want to be treated while showing your customers you care about their experience. We offer seven customer survey tips and prizes to accomplish these goals.
![A phone, glasses, pen and clipboard containing a checklist.](https://info.4imprint.com/wp-content/uploads/4imprint-Enews-TipsForCreatingBetterCustomerSurveys-MiniGraphic-SB-D01V01.00.jpg)
1. Collect real-time feedback
If you can get customer feedback immediately after an experience, their answers will be as good as gold. When not satisfied with their experience, 96% of customers won’t bother letting you know, likely because of the inconvenience. A simple, real-time survey makes it easy for them to respond and gives you valuable, up-to-the-minute information.
When they leave a webpage, use a one-question pop up to ask, “What’s causing you to leave this page right now?” Or once a customer hits “Buy Now,” use a pop-up survey to inquire, “What made you decide to buy this product?”
2. Keep questions simple
Asking one question at a time avoids confusion and ensures customers answer the question in its entirety. For example, rather than asking, “What made you choose to work with us and why do you stay?”, break it up into two separate questions.
When your questions are short and to the point, you increase the likelihood that respondents will complete the entire survey. Offer a survey prize for those who answer every question. Wireless ear buds with a speaker, a plush pillow or a fold up picnic blanket can encourage respondents.
3. Ask follow-up questions
Follow-up questions show that your business is committed to understanding customers’ needs.
If a client answers “Yes” when asked if a product met expectations, follow up by asking how the product met expectations. Digging deeper can also provide a pulse on current buying trends, allowing your business to make the most of them.
4. Speak their language
Word your survey in natural, conversational language. Skip jargon and wordy sentences and opt instead for plain, concise questioning. For example, instead of saying, “Consider your last shopping experience within the timeframe of one month,” say, “Think back to the last time you shopped with us.”
5. Get internal and external reviews
Customers aren’t your only source of information—ask your team too! Ask employees who were not involved in creating the survey to take it. Ask:
- Does everything make sense?
- Do you have any additional questions?
- Does the logic flow properly?
Revise your survey based on their feedback and then ask for more! Ask team members to reach out to friends or relatives outside the company for their input. Impartial, balanced feedback is one of the best ways to create stronger customer surveys.
6. Avoid biased questions
Avoid any leading or biased questions that steer the customer to give an answer your team wants to hear. It would be wonderful if every client rated your business a 10, but that’s not realistic.
Negative feedback can benefit your company because it reveals areas that can be immediately improved for future experiences.
7. Offer an incentive
Now that your survey is crafted and ready to go, you just need people to take it. Useful survey prizes are great incentives. A vacuum tumbler, 4-in-1 tool or natural tote are all great choices. A $20 online gift card or discount coupon work well too.
Better understand your customers with surveys
Customers are the reason for your business. Understanding their wants and needs is critical to your growth and success. With these tips on how to create customer surveys plus survey prize ideas to encourage responses, you’re sure to be flooded with useful feedback.
Key Takeaways
- Collect feedback in real time
- Ask follow-up questions
- Get internal and external survey reviews
- Offer an incentive