4imprint, LLC

| Updated: January 06, 2023

Blockchain was designed for bitcoin transactions, but now it is transforming healthcare, insurance, real estate and much more. In the simplest form, blockchain is a digital ledger. It’s a fraud-proof, transparent public record and verification system for tracking digital transactions.

Here’s a few examples of how blockchain can be applied:

Real Estate

Blockchain allows for easy, transparent transactions when it comes to buying and selling homes. It speeds up the process, eliminates paper documents and helps prevent errors. Blockchain could save an estimated $550 million nationwide in money lost by transaction errors.


Doctors, nurses and other professionals can access patient records across networks. Plus, it improves data security.


More than just a universal ledger for academic records, blockchain technology can provide the curriculum for a wide range of classes—essentially on demand. This would allow students to learn at their own pace.


As blockchain technology grows more and more popular, it’s essential that your employees understand the basics. We have tips for explaining this complicated topic and training incentives to get you started.


Bringing blockchain to your team

Give them the tools for the job

At the beginning of the training, provide each team member with a notebook, pen and highlighter so they can easily take notes. Plus, the items make practical training incentives.

Use real-world examples

Instead of explaining blockchain in the world of bitcoin, discuss how it will be used in your industry. Detailing how the technology may directly impact their job will help your team gain a better grasp of the concept.

Create visuals

Produce a video that brings the discussion to life. In fact, 3 out of 4 employees say they are more likely to watch a training video than to read documents. After the training, hand out USB drives with the training video on them. That way, employees can reference the video later.

Bring in the experts

If training your team on blockchain feels overwhelming, bring in a specialist to speak. In addition to detailed information, an expert will be able to answer in-depth questions.

Design bite-size training sessions

Instead of one long training session, create several shorter sessions to better engage employees. These shorter training meetings can also help improve information retention.

Say thanks

When the training is over, thank your team for participating with employee incentive gifts. Practical gifts, like a coffee cup or phone stand, are items everyone will enjoy.


Let the blockchain training begin!

With these tips and training incentives, you can get your team up-to-speed on this impressive technology. With the right training, your employees will score well above average in blockchain 101.