4imprint, LLC

| Updated: March 10, 2021

Summer is almost here. The sun is shining bright, the days are getting longer, and people are flocking to the outdoors. Although summertime conjures up images of swimming pools, picnics and parks, there can be a few glitches—sunburn, food poisoning and bug bites, just to name a few.

Combat those summertime blues by sharing these five safety tips and adding wellness giveaways to your marketing.

Summer safety tips and wellness giveaways

Protect skin

According to Statistics Canada, more than 30 percent of adults reported getting at least one sunburn during the prior year. Besides dealing with the discomfort of a sunburn, a lifetime total of just five sunburns can double a person’s risk of getting melanoma. Protective clothing, wide-brimmed hats and sunscreen are great combatants of the sun’s harmful rays. Sunscreen pouches and SPF lip balm are perfect summer promotional products to remind patients to protect their skin.

Keep cool

Extreme high temperatures can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion and—if the body is unable to adequately cool itself—heat stroke. Limiting exposure to the sun during peak times, taking regular breaks from activities, drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding alcohol can help prevent dehydration and other heat-related illnesses (PDF). Remind patients to keep cool and stay hydrated by passing out logo’d Keep It Cool Towels or sport bottles imprinted with these tips.

Remember food safety

Bacteria thrive in warm environments, making summertime picnics and barbeques a breeding ground for food-borne illness. To help keep your guests healthy, picnickers should frequently wash hands, avoid cross-contamination, cook foods properly and follow proper food-storage protocol. Post these and other food-safety tips on your social channels. Encourage friends and followers to share your posts by entering those who do into a prize draw for a picnic cooler.

Prevent bites/stings

Wasps, black flies and mosquitos—oh, my! Help keep bugs at bay by avoiding heavy perfumes (especially floral scents), wearing light-coloured clothing (no flower patterns, please) and covering sugary drinks. Hand out soda lids to patients to help keep bees and wasps out of canned beverages. Another great summer promotional product to keep the bugs away is this insect repellent pocket spray —perfect for tucking in a purse or pocket.

Practice bicycle safety

Bike accidents and injuries increase between May and September. Children ages 10 to 15 are most likely to be involved in these accidents. Bike helmets, bike lights and even bells can help reduce accidents and injuries. Consider sponsoring a class to teach bike safety. Ask community police and fire departments or the local bike shop if they are interested in partnering. Provide a free helmet for those who attend, and include prizes to encourage participation. Bike lights and bells  are great rewards that can increase involvement during Q&A.


Promote fun this summer with these safety tips and wellness giveaways.