4imprint, LLC

Posted: March 25, 2022 4 min read

Selling with heart comes from a place of empathy. It means to view your clients as people, not just buyers. And straight from the mouth of buyers, the top four ways to create a positive sales experience are:

  1. Listen to their needs.
  2. Don’t be pushy.
  3. Provide relevant information.
  4. Respond quickly.


In other words, sell from the heart, not from the head. We offer four ideas, plus sales giveaways to help your team create the positive experience buyers want.


1. Ask questions—and listen

“Instead of worrying about being interesting, you need to first be interested.” Train your sales team to actively listen (rather than focusing on how to make a sale) so they can genuinely get to know the customer and their needs. Remembering the little details is made easier when your team takes notes. Give staff members an Alliance Metal Pen and memo jotter or a memo tabs adhesive notepad and encourage them to jot down important information during phone conversations, sales calls and other client interactions. It may also be beneficial to prepare for these interactions ahead of time by writing down questions geared toward understanding the customer better. Examples include: “What are your biggest pain points?” “What can help alleviate those pain points?” And “Which product features are most important to you?” Show customers you’re really listening by paraphrasing their wants and needs back to them. Follow up post-interaction with a notepad and a handwritten thank-you that outlines what you heard and how you can help.


2. Focus on personalization

In addition to asking questions and listening attentively, a personalized message can positively impact sales. Does a customer mention a significant life milestone? Take note and send a personalized promotional business giveaway based on your conversation. For instance, if a client mentions they’re buying a house, send a congratulatory sales giveaway, like a house-shaped Cushioned Jar Opener with a handwritten note, as a housewarming gift.


Take note of your client’s interests and hobbies too. Do they love fishing? Send a Fishing Bobber and a Spoon Fishing Lure along with your latest rate sheet or list of services. Are they avid birdwatchers? Bring a pair of Sports Rubber Binoculars to your next sales meeting as a thank-you for their time. Sending promotional business giveaways related to something they said really shows clients you were paying attention to them.


3. Offer free advice (and a free sales giveaway)

Taking an approach of “service above all else” builds trust. Train your staff to offer helpful advice—even if that means not making a sale. Helping your customer find the best product or service to meet their needs will show that you put your customers’ best interests first. That way, even if they don’t buy from you now, if they need you down the road or know someone else who can benefit from your offerings, they’ll be more likely to revisit your business or refer others to it.

Keep your name top of mind by staying in touch. Check in six months later by sending a Festival Ceramic Mug and an invite to grab a cup of coffee. And if they do send business your way in the meantime, thank them with a sales referral giveaway, such as a MopTopper Stylus Pen or some delicious Truffles.


4. Thoroughly train on company values

Make sure staff understands everything your company believes in and how those beliefs benefit customers. Outline what makes your company different from competitors on a Value Indoor Banner that hangs in your office as a constant reminder. Give your team Cork Bottom Vacuum Mugs imprinted with your company’s values so they never lose sight of who you are and what you stand for. And take time during sales meetings to discuss how each employee represents your company values or how they carried out your organization’s vision—in other words, how they sell with heart. Reward employees who consistently represent your company in its best light with a gift like an Everyday Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt or a Natural Wood Grain Wireless Charger.


Sell with the heart, not the head

With ideas like genuinely listening during sales calls, offering helpful advice and sending relevant sales giveaways, your team can easily sell with heart.