Sarah writes ...

Kimberly High School: one by one story

Kimberly High School's Life Force club received a promotional products grant through 4imprint's one by on...

Brian describes ...

Say goodbye to the annual performance appraisal – Canada

Is it time to say goodbye to the annual performance appraisal? Understand this business intelligence is k...

Shaun describes ...

Workplace Distractions

This Blue Paper offers tips for organizations looking to minimize distractions at work by promoting effic...

Shaun recommends ...

Effective Collaboration [INFOGRAPHIC]

Collaboration is one of the best ways to uncover innovation and team building, but there are many hurdles...

Suzanne describes ...

3 animal themed gifts: Bears, tigers and birds, oh my!

Roar, hoot or growl—animal promotional products aren’t just for pets, they’re for people too! We of...
