4imprint, LLC

| Updated: February 15, 2023

Effective Collaboration This infographic describes how effective collaboration can fuel innovation and growth. Effective Collaboration Fuel innovation and growth by optimizing for collaboration. Collaboration boosts innovation. 81% Positive correlation between collaboration and innovation. 54% Of employees get their best ideas from talking with colleagues. US employees contributing new ideas at work: Collaborate Regularly 72% No Collaboration 28% Real collaboration requires real work. If you really want to be collaborative, you’ll need three key things: TRUST Show it’s safe to take risks and share ideas. CONFLICT Teach effective ways to deal with conflicting ideas. ENVIRONMENT Provide opportunities to exchange ideas across departments. Effective collaboration is worth the effort. But you have to make it worthwhile for employees too. 26%of employees say their employer doesn’t encourage them to come up with new ideas. < 2 in 10employees have bonus strctures that directly reward the development of ideas. Collaboration: Do it right and you’ll leverage your organization more effectively and boost productivity and innovation.


  • Google Decisive Decade Report. Rep. Google, Inc, Nov. 2010. Web. 07 Feb. 2013. <https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1CG4TpXGnVsuFFf4h2pNDvJDpOnEa_djqSq6Qzkfj5Sw>. 
  • Prusak, Larry. “HBR Blog Network.” Weblog post. Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Publishing, 5 July 2011. Web 07 Feb, 2013. <http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2011/07/one_thing_that_makes_collaboration.html>.  
  • Weiss, Jeff, and Jonathon Hughes. “Want Collaboration?: Accept—and Actively Manage—Conflict.” Weblog post. Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Publishing, Mar. 2005. Web. 07 Feb. 2013 
  • Johnson, Steven. “Steven Johnson: Where Good Ideas Come From.” Steven Johnson: Where Good Ideas Come From | Video on TED.com TED: Ideas worth Spreading, Sept. 2010.

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