Sam digs ...

amplify®: Caring matters

Customers are the lifeblood of every company. We share best practices on how to retain customers and acqu...

Callie suggests ...

amplify®: Promotional pivoting

When tourism came to a halt this year, the Oshkosh, WI tourism bureau found itself with leftover promotio...

Pam likes ...

amplify®: Summer 2020

Our customers turn custom giveaways into opportunities to take care of staff and their community. Their s...

Erika shares ...

amplify®: Unifying volunteers

Our latest Swag Master, ProduceGood, turned a hat giveaway into a win-win. The nonprofit used a special c...

Yeng chooses ...

amplify®: Shifting spaces

Since nearly all in-person events are canceled, you may need to transition to a virtual event . We give t...

Sandy shares ...

amplify®: True to brand

Customers love genuine brands. FEH Design is using branded promo items and social media to create authent...

Brian suggests ...

amplify®: Powerful promo pens

Our customers love how promo pens carry their companies’ brands wherever they go. They showed us why th...

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amplify®: Fall 2020

Our customers are using branded giveaways to connect with employees and customers in-person and online. T...

Elizabeth digs ...

amplify®: Out-of-the-box marketing ideas

Try out-of-the-box marketing ideas that can make a big difference. Discover how one company took a fresh ...

Brian recommends ...

amplify®: Selling branded merchandise

Selling branded merchandise lets you create a new revenue stream. Our customers share their experiences a...