Sarah describes ...

Crowdfund your nonprofit’s way to donation success

People usually think of raising money for personal needs or goals when they hear the word “crowdfunding...

Mark suggests ...

Create a winning team with business partnerships – Canada

If you’re looking to create a partnership with a for-profit company, check out this list of ways to mak...

Carol describes ...

Create a winning team with business partnerships

In relationships, each side supports the other to bring out the best in both.

Cheryl discusses ...

Boosting a capital campaign with coffee mugs for a cause

Coffee mugs for a cause are one of several things helping Whisper Hill Clydesdales Special Needs fund a p...

Emily suggests ...

amplify®: How to increase event registration—fast!

One organization discovered how to increase event registration dramatically after branded gear sent fundr...

Rebecca shares ...

amplify: Boost annual appeals with the spirit of giving

Are you planning an annual appeal for your nonprofit? Check out our four tips, including the use of perso...

Megan digs ...

8 creative ways to diversify your nonprofit revenue – Canada

Strengthen your organization’s financial health with varied sources of revenue, like member dues and le...

Anabel shares ...

8 creative ways to diversify your nonprofit revenue

From corporate sponsorships to hosting events to legacy gifts, diversified nonprofit revenue can be a ste...

Sara recommends ...

6 useful nonprofit fundraising tips

Raising money helps nonprofits take better care of their communities. These nonprofit fundraising tips ca...

Sarah discusses ...

4 fundraising gift ideas for your nonprofit fundraiser

Fundraising gifts can take your nonprofit fundraiser from good to great. We offer gift ideas to boost bra...
