4imprint, LLC

| Updated: March 25, 2021

People usually think of raising money for personal needs or goals when they hear the word “crowdfunding”. But as online crowdfunding has become more common, people are getting creative with it. Now, nonprofits are getting in on the action.

While nonprofits often rely on grants from a single source or a large-scale event to raise money, crowdfunding allows you to collect small donations from many sources.  According to Nonprofits Source, the average nonprofit crowdfunding campaign raises more than $9,000. But thanks to the worldwide reach of the Internet, and specialized crowdsourcing websites like StartSomeGood® and Razoo®, crowdfunding can raise incredible amounts. For example, Habitat for Humanity® Global Village has raised more than $14 million via crowdfunding. With some helpful tips and a few nonprofit promotional items, you can get the most out of your crowdfunding campaign.

Give thanks for donations

When using nonprofit crowdfunding, it’s common to acknowledge donors on social media. To really impress them, send a thank-you gift. It shows your appreciation and makes it more likely the donor will support future fundraising efforts. Small but meaningful items work best. Include photos of the work your donors are supporting on a magnetic postcard or send a thank-you card and include a silicone bracelet they can wear in support of your cause. Be sure to remind donors about any upcoming fundraisers.

Run a social media contest

Finding fun and exciting ways to engage people with social media can help your online crowdfunding campaign spread organically. Here are a couple of ways to approach this:

  • Choose a top donation day: Whoever gives the highest contribution on a particular (pre-selected) date gets a prize, like a cooler.
  • Have a social engagement day and tie it to a theme: Choose a post and then keep track of everyone who shares or comments on it. Put their names into a drawing and select a winner. Make sure you stick with your theme. If, for example, you’re raising money to bring medical help to people in need, give the winner a fun doctor pen.

Hold a special event

Kick off your fundraiser with a special event. Or mark the end of a successful campaign by holding a public celebration. Use the event to boost awareness—and donations—during the most critical parts of your crowdfunding. To link the event to your crowdfunding, hand out nonprofit giveaways, like stickers or tote bags, that feature your brand or a special hashtag. Ask people to take photos of their swag and post them on social media.

Nonprofit promotional items keep your cause in mind

Crowdfunding can make a huge impact on your fundraising efforts, whether you’re raising funds for a one-time event or as part of your annual drive. Drive home your message with nonprofit promotional items and you’re sure to see success. Good luck!