Cheryl describes ...

Donor thank-you gifts for supporters of brain injury survivors

Liberty Place helps brain injury survivors aim for independence. Donor thank-you gifts, like lunch sets a...

Gail shares ...

Promotional item ideas: Share your message with the masses

Choose the right promotional item ideas for your in-person or virtual event, direct mail promo or messagi...

Jennifer recommends ...

4imprint® provides more than 1,650 grants in the third quarter of 2023

The 4imprint® one by one® program gave more than 1,650 grants to provide promotional items for charitie...

Cheryl writes ...

Tote bag giveaway supports mission to increase Canada’s leafy canopies

A tote bag giveaway from Trees for Life promotes the organization’s environmentally friendly mission to...

Sarah recommends ...

Promotional travel bag trends: Hacks and tips to make travel more relaxing

Tap into these four time- and space-saving promotional travel bag trends to make packing for that next bu...