4imprint, LLC

Posted: January 02, 2024 2 min read

one by one®: Jefferson County 4-H

In rural Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, the local 4-H organization makes a significant impact on youth ages 5 to 18. Amanda Kanouff, the dedicated extension educator, coordinates one particularly impactful program that instills safety knowledge in children and youth—Progressive Agriculture Safety Day. Promotional coloring books that teach internet safety are included in a surprise goodie bag.

Promotional coloring books make safety interactive

A one-day camp overseen by the Progressive Agriculture Foundation brings approximately 300 eager youth together to participate in safety education workshops. Vital safety practices are taught with the expertise from community partners, including the Department of Transportation, local colleges, 911 management and the local chapter of Future Farmers of America.

Covering everything from wildlife and animals to roads and emergency safety, each workshop engages and educates participants. When the day is over, there’s one more surprise—a goodie bag filled with items from community partners.

“One topic not covered in the workshops was internet safety. Because it’s so important, we decided to use our one by one grant to order internet safety promotional coloring books,” Kanouff shared. “It also gives us an opportunity to include our brand in the goodie bag and show our role as a partner in promoting safety education.”

The power of safety made fun

The impact of Progressive Agriculture Safety Day extends far beyond the camp’s conclusion. Some coordinators have seen former participants return years later to express gratitude for the valuable safety lessons they learned as children. Many still talk about how much they enjoyed the experience and that they passed on knowledge to their families to help prevent potential accidents.

“Some of the kids who got the goodie bags this year came up to tell me how much they liked the coloring book,” Kanouff said. “And we get thank-you notes from different kids talking about how much they enjoyed the day.”

A note from Cheryl

It’s delightful to see how Jefferson County 4-H used promotional coloring books to teach internet safety and brand itself as a partner in keeping kids safe. 4imprint is proud to have played a role in helping educate today’s youth. To learn more about a one by one grant, visit onebyone.4imprint.com.