Debra suggests ...

Long-lasting marketing: Promotional products for employees and customers

Longevity marketing aims to ensure your message and brand stand the test of time. Enduring promotional pr...

Sarah recommends ...

Art, games and other fun promo items to amuse your audience

Toy and novelty expert Michelle shares her top picks for fun promo items. From crafts and games to plush ...

Debra digs ...

All-time classics: Retro promo items having another moment

With a mix of nostalgia and timeless style, retro promotional products, like baseball shirts and neon sun...

Liz writes ...

Outdoor marketing materials to help you stand out

Strategic utilization of outdoor marketing materials at venues and upcoming events, including use of sign...

Erika chooses ...

Branded promo products can be a sponsor’s superpower

Finding the right partners for sponsorship opportunities, coupled with the strategic use of branded promo...