4imprint, LLC
Picture of a pedi cab that offers advertising on cab and promotional giveaway items

| Updated: January 21, 2021

Swag Master

Get the inside ‘Skoop’ on how they became a Swag Master

Posted: April 01, 2019 | Updated: January 21, 2021 | Erika Ferguson

Campus Village, a student housing complex in East Lansing, Mich., found a way to connect with college students by sponsoring free rides around campus through a pedicab called Skoop. They kicked their #SwaggingRights® into high gear with this marketing opportunity. Here’s the ‘Scoop’…


Thinking outside the box

The pedicab created a unique opportunity for Campus Village to get in front of current and potential customers by using the advertising space on the outside of the box…we mean, bike!


Branding on many levels

In addition to reaching the students with a brand message on the pedicab, they also engaged riders inside the pedicab. Every customer was given promotional giveaway items imprinted with Campus Village’s brand.


Marketing geared toward the audience

They selected promotional giveaway items specifically with the customer in mind. Pedicab drivers handed out Campus Village-branded water bottles to help keep students hydrated between classes or during nighttime safe-rides home. They even passed out logoed bottle openers for tailgating on game days. Riders got something useful and swagworthy!

Give your customers something personalized they can use every day!