4imprint, LLC

| Updated: February 10, 2021

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Check out the amplify® spring 2019 issue (PDF) in your web browser!


Featured articles

Cover Story: Top-notch recruits

Struggling to recruit? Read the amplify cover story, which examines a recent 4imprint® survey covering the most effective recruitment methods using employee recruitment giveaways.

Overheard: Promotions to help you bounce into spring

See how customers are using fun promotional balls to earn #SwaggingRights® and bounce into spring.

Product Highlight: Great outdoor gear

Outdoor activities are on the rise! Read about the premium outdoor promotional items your clients and employees will want to bring with them on every outdoor activity.

Lasting Impression: Lean in to listen

Effective listening training is an effective business tool. See how training giveaways can build better listeners to improve customer communication—and your bottom line.

Swag Master: Catching rides, catching attention

Learn how this Swag Master uses promotional giveaway items to catch attention while their customers catch rides.

Trend: Developing star performers

Do you want more engaged employees? See how learning opportunities and professional development gifts help you find and keep staff members.

Remarkable Moments: Help is next door

Promotional umbrellas shelter the Neighbor Brigade volunteers as they help neighbors in temporary crisis. See what they do for those who live next door.


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