4imprint, LLC

Posted: October 17, 2022 | Updated: November 03, 2022 3 min read

one by one® story: Multiplying Good

In Fayette County, Pennsylvania, the COVID-19 pandemic left several Brownsville Area High School students feeling isolated and depressed. They were struggling to connect as they navigated life after COVID-19. Then, they got in touch with Students In Action (SIA) at Multiplying Good, an organization that helps people grow as leaders and impact their community for the better. Volunteer giveaways play a small part.

SIA works in middle and high schools to help youths discover their passions and build the skills needed to achieve a greater goal. Determined to look out for each other, the Brownsville SIA students created a program called Falcon Friends (falcons are their mascot) to address mental health through student-led initiatives.

Falcon Friends creates lasting connections between high school and middle school students to harbor inclusivity and teach mental health and coping strategies. In April, after impacting almost 100 people, Falcon Friends was chosen as the 2022 Gold Leadership Team.

Unleashing potential with volunteer giveaways

By empowering people to realize how they can create meaningful change, both individually and as a group, Multiplying Good helps each person create ripples of good that spread throughout their communities.

Staff wanted a volunteer giveaway to hand out to their hardworking supporters to multiply even greater good. Thanks to a 4imprint one by one® grant, the organization was able to order branded T-shirts.

“The T-shirts serve multiple purposes. One, they build awareness at several events, like our fundraisers Walk4GOOD, PuttPutt4GOOD, and our ChangeMakers Booth4GOOD that all benefit our Students In Action program. They also help our volunteers feel even more closely connected. And they raise awareness outside of our events as volunteers wear them when they’re running errands and out and about. We’re grateful for the one by one® grant that makes this possible,” said Jodi Klebick, executive director at Multiplying Good Pittsburgh.

A note from Cheryl

It’s wonderful to see the far-reaching and long-lasting impact Multiplying Good is making. 4imprint is thrilled to play a small part by providing volunteer giveaway T-shirts. If you’re interested in a one by one® grant, visit onebyone.4imprint.com.