Sarah recommends ...

4 promotional safety item ideas to help prepare and prevent

Help protect customers, employees and community members by offering promotional safety items that provide...

Sarah recommends ...

4 branding ideas using promotional products to create strong brand equity

Strong brand equity results in higher customer loyalty, longer employee retention and more. Branding idea...

Cheryl recommends ...

Spreading awareness about motorcycle safety with help from cooler giveaways

The Tim Jordan Memorial Fund Co. provides much-needed funds to pay expenses for injured motorcyclists and...

Sarah recommends ...

Getting remote workers together: Tips and employee giveaway ideas that promote unity and success

It can be difficult to build camaraderie and a sense of team when your employees are mostly (or totally) ...

Cheryl describes ...

Donor thank-you gifts for supporters of brain injury survivors

Liberty Place helps brain injury survivors aim for independence. Donor thank-you gifts, like lunch sets a...