Yeng writes ...

How to polish up virtual sales calls: tips for before, during and after

Now that your sales team is conducting virtual sales calls rather than in-person meetings, share these be...

Sarah likes ...

Giving thanks for saving lives with branded reusable grocery bags

As a heartfelt way to show its appreciation, the Hawai’i Cord Blood Bank gives branded reusable grocery...

Mark describes ...

Need a backup plan for your canceled event? Connect with customer giveaways

If you need a backup plan to reach out to customers after your event got canceled, we have marketing idea...

Daryl describes ...

Need a backup plan for your canceled event? Connect with customer giveaways – Canada

If you usually rely on events to connect with clients, you may need a backup plan. We offer alternatives ...

Sarah writes ...

amplify®: Recycled giveaways turn bottles into branded merchandise

Did you know plastic bottles can be turned into great sustainable shirts? We share more recycled giveaway...