Rebecca digs ...

4 tips for successfully piloting new programs

Ready to pilot your newest program? These tips and participation gifts will help ensure the process is su...

Dave chooses ...

amplify®: Caring hearts, busy minds

MEternally uses water bottles in an unconventional way, creating craft giveaways for seniors that comfort...

Zach suggests ...

Benefits of market segmentation: Target your most valuable customers

This Blue Paper outlines the benefits of market segmentation including increased profits, lower costs and...

Suzanne discusses ...

Creative Ways to Use Customized Post-It Notes

Custom Post-it Notes aren't just for jotting quick lists and notes. We share creative, fun, and outside-t...

Angie suggests ...

Digital Magazines

This Blue Paper discusses the digital magazine, its history, current trends and design considerations, an...

Cheryl discusses ...

How apparel bag giveaways safely ship comfort to young patients

For kids undergoing numerous hospital visits, a zipshirt provides comfort and easy access to medical impl...

Sarah recommends ...

Market segmentation

Is your small business looking for ways to increase profits, reduce costs and effectively reach the custo...

Josh suggests ...

Promoting Healthcare Apps

This article offers tips on promoting healthcare apps to connect with patients, take appointments, educat...

Dan recommends ...

Shape up your marketing with promotional Post-it® Notes

Custom-shaped promotional Post-it Notes are fun and useful. Branded adhesive notes come in shapes like ho...

Amy describes ...

Subscription-based Services

This Blue Paper features the rise of subscription-based services as business planning.