Cheryl discusses ...

Charitable organization rewards supporters with promotional stainless steel water bottles

Ontario nonprofit rewards participants with promotional stainless steel water bottles to raise awareness ...

Amy digs ...

Citizen communication: Strategies for sharing safety topics – Canada

Keeping the public informed about safety is essential. We share citizen communication best practices for ...

Anabel describes ...

Citizens’ academies provide behind-the-scenes look for residents – Canada

Government is a broad topic, encompassing everything from schools to safety to public works.

Amanda describes ...

Collect better data with incentives for survey participation – Canada

Want to get more people to fill out your surveys? Offering incentives for survey participation can boost ...

Zach recommends ...

Create a positive experience for paediatric patients using promotional items for kids – Canada

Going to the doctor is a normal part of life for most people, starting at birth.

Alexis shares ...

Create multifunctional workspaces to supercharge employee productivity – Canada

Multifunctional workspaces are trending.

Amy describes ...

Crowdfund your nonprofit’s way to donation success – Canada

As online crowdfunding has become more common, people are getting creative with it. Now, nonprofits are g...

Andy describes ...

Design thinking in the classroom: How to teach students creative problem-solving skills – Canada

Bringing design thinking into the classroom helps train students to solve other people's problems with em...

Sarah recommends ...

Four morale-boosting tips for the workplace – Canada

Employee morale can make or break an organization’s success.

Daryl describes ...

Four practical steps to fast customer service recovery – Canada

From unhappy customer to loyal brand follower—train your team to handle sticky situations with these pr...