Amy writes ...

Bridging the gap by implementing the hybrid office – Canada

Remote work is here to stay. Offer employees the flexibility they desire by adopting a blended work model...

Cindy shares ...

How to create beneficial community green spaces – Canada

If you’re looking to add a community green space to your neighbourhood, try our ideas on how to create ...

Andy describes ...

Design thinking in the classroom: How to teach students creative problem-solving skills – Canada

Bringing design thinking into the classroom helps train students to solve other people's problems with em...

Rebecca writes ...

6 tips for effective faculty meetings – Canada

Faculty meetings can be a great place to discuss concerns, make decisions and reevaluate processes. We of...

Sarah recommends ...

How to support employees at work and at home – Canada

Your business is likely to benefit when you help staff at work and at home. We share tips on how to suppo...

Andrea discusses ...

4 ways to get good ideas flowing – Canada

Get creative juices flowing by trying these brainstorm session techniques paired with great employee give...

Elizabeth shares ...

Natural Capital Partners Certifies 4imprint as a CarbonNeutral® Company

With help from Natural Capital Partners, 4imprint reduced its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero over a...

Daryl describes ...

Four practical steps to fast customer service recovery – Canada

From unhappy customer to loyal brand follower—train your team to handle sticky situations with these pr...

Whitney discusses ...

Matching gifts: 4 strategies to easily drive more donations – Canada

Want to get twice as many donations without double the work? It’s easier than you may think. We explain...

Matt shares ...

Get your team thinking creatively for future trade show ideas – Canada

If your team is trying to come up with trade show exhibit ideas so your business can stand out, we offer ...

Yeng writes ...

New Issue of amplify® Magazine by 4imprint®: Scaling a Business, Hybrid Work, Customer Journeys

Amplify winter 2022 issue: How to scale a business, hybrid work, customer journeys, community-building, a...

Josh likes ...

7 helpful silent auction tips – Canada

We want to shout these silent auction tips from the rooftops! Raise even more dollars by trying these hel...

Tiffany suggests ...

How to build your small business: 5 smart tips – Canada

Scaling a small business is important for longevity. Although involved, it doesn’t have to be difficult...

Cheryl discusses ...

How apparel bag giveaways safely ship comfort to young patients

For kids undergoing numerous hospital visits, a zipshirt provides comfort and easy access to medical impl...

Tiffany describes ...

Promote your nonprofit to get people invested in your cause – Canada

If you’re looking for ways to promote your nonprofit, we’re here to help. We offer tips to help get v...

Matt describes ...

How to effectively communicate about supply chain issues – Canada

Help your business thrive, even in the face of supply chain shortages, with proper customer and staff com...

Sandy writes ...

5 ways to learn and benefit from customer reviews – Canada

While positive customer reviews are almost always well-received, even negative reviews can provide benefi...

Emily discusses ...

Tips and customer service giveaways to amend supply chain disruptions – Canada

Supply chain disruptions can cause inconveniences for customers—and your team. We offer ideas plus cust...

Erika writes ...

Spring Issue of amplify® Magazine by 4imprint®: Maintaining Business Relationships , Virtual Events, Meeting Customer Needs

Amplify spring 2022 issue: Maintaining business relationships, benefits of virtual events, promo magnets ...

Maria describes ...

6 ways to promote your donation page – Canada

There are countless ways to ask for donations online. Check out these 6 ideas to get eyes on your donatio...

Emily suggests ...

4 benefits of outsourcing for nonprofits – Canada

Save time, save money and keep volunteers and staff focused on your organization’s mission. These are s...

Cheryl writes ...

How pet giveaways help save two lives at a time

From off the streets and out of the city shelter, the San Antonio Pets Alive! rescue organization uses pe...

Cheryl discusses ...

How water bottle giveaways boost confidence for underserved kids

Na’amat Canada Calgary helps kids who are living in a shelter feel normal and accepted. See how water b...

Tiffany likes ...

4imprint® Summer Issue of amplify® Magazine: Make Your Business Stand Out, Benefits of Cause Marketing, Retaining Employees

amplify summer 2022 issue: Make your business stand out with benefits of cause marketing, smart solutions...

Tiffany discusses ...

5 top fundraising ideas for nonprofit organizations – Canada

Raising money is crucial for your charitable organization’s success. We offer fundraising ideas for non...