Molly shares ...

4 ways to help patients remember post-visit instructions

The moment a patient walks out the door, they tend to forget 40 to 80 percent of the information given to...

Sarah shares ...

United Way of Trail and District uses sticker giveaways from a one by one® grant to bond with donors

See how the United Way of Trail and District used sticker giveaways to thank the donors whose support all...

Alexis shares ...

Create multifunctional workspaces to supercharge employee productivity – Canada

Multifunctional workspaces are trending.

Alysia suggests ...

Create multifunctional workspaces to supercharge employee productivity

A multifunctional office space is one that can be used in different ways to serve a variety of functions....

Sarah writes ...

Collect better data with incentives for survey participation

Whether you’re looking for input on a building project or collecting data on how people feel about allo...

Amanda describes ...

Collect better data with incentives for survey participation – Canada

Want to get more people to fill out your surveys? Offering incentives for survey participation can boost ...

Brenda describes ...

Stop, drop and roll out Fire Prevention Week promotions

In the U.S., a house fire is reported roughly every 86 seconds.

Jenn discusses ...

Stop, drop and roll out Fire Prevention Week promotions – Canada

In Canada, 78 percent of fire-related deaths happen at home—and most of those occur in the middle of th...

Tiffany writes ...

Presentation tips to confidently deliver your next speech

The best speeches engage audiences from the first word to the last, with stunning statistics, memorable s...

Whitney recommends ...

Presentation tips for a confident speech – Canada

For some people, public speaking is a nerve-wracking experience. It’s not actually clear how many peopl...