Strategies to create a more positive experience for pediatric patients
Going to the doctor is a normal part of life for most people, starting at birth. After all, the average c...
Social Customer Service
This Blue Paper explores why customers love social customer service through messaging and how brands can ...
Skip the Discounts: 5 Alternatives to Building Customer Loyalty – Canada
Your most loyal customers are responsible for more than half of your company’s sales. Learn how to use ...
Skip the Discounts: 5 Alternatives to Building Customer Loyalty
For small businesses, offering discounts and rebates can be a double-edged sword.
Simple ways to make your practice more inviting – Canada
While patient care might sound like the domain for doctors and nurses, in truth it starts the moment a pa...
Simple ways to make your practice more inviting
Does your practice make patients feel welcome? An inviting space helps them feel relaxed, lowering their ...
Show sincere gratitude with thank-you giveaways – Canada
Make customers, staff, community members and investors feel special and appreciated with a token of thank...
Show sincere gratitude with thank-you giveaways
Build strong loyalty by showing customers, staff, community members and investors how much you appreciate...
Sharing Economy
This Blue Paper describes the sharing economy and offers tips for organizations looking to take advantage...
Reduce inconvenient no-show appointments with these 6 tips – Canada
No-show appointments and late cancellations can be inconvenient and costly. Check out ideas on how to red...