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amplify® Magazine Fall 2024 Issue: Make the Most of Celebrations

From holidays and milestones to big wins, there are endless reasons to celebrate. Explore ways to observe...

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amplify® Magazine Summer 2024 Issue: Dare to Think Big

Organizations that dare to go big often inspire big results. Find fresh ideas in this issue of amplify ma...

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Use customer retention gifts to turn frowns upside down

A swift and considerate response to a problem, coupled with a thoughtful customer retention gift, can tur...

Shaun recommends ...

amplify®: Safety promotions help keep workers healthy and happy

Workplace safety is important throughout an organization. Meet two employers whose creative safety promot...

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amplify®: 8 promo items containing FSC-certified paper and wood

Forestry Stewardship Council® certification allows your customers to know, at a glance, you’re committ...