Karla writes ...

Virtual event swag to engage and thrill attendees

Who knew virtual event swag could get so many people engaged and excited about attending your event? We o...

Yeng chooses ...

amplify®: Shifting spaces

Since nearly all in-person events are canceled, you may need to transition to a virtual event . We give t...

Shaun describes ...

5 tips for launching a better virtual panel discussion – Canada

A great virtual panel discussion gets the audience thinking and talking. We share tips to help you maximi...

Elizabeth discusses ...

5 tips for launching a better virtual panel discussion

Holding audience interest with virtual panel discussions can be challenging. We share tips for creating a...

Robert writes ...

Bleisure travel: Mix business with pleasure

Bleisure travel combines company trips with personal time for staff members. Share bleisure travel tips w...

Angie shares ...

Bleisure travel: Mix business with pleasure – Canada

Encourage staff to fit some personal time into their business trips with these bleisure travel tips.

Anne suggests ...

Cool promotional prize ideas to draw excitement

Promotional prizes pique your audience’s interest, provide an extra incentive to attend your event and ...

Liz suggests ...

Fun holidays to celebrate throughout the year

Celebrate quirky, fun holidays for an experience customers and employees won't soon forget. Give away sma...

Amanda writes ...

Fun holidays to celebrate throughout the year – Canada

Celebrate little-known fun holidays to capture customers’ attention and boost employee morale. Small bu...

Sarah shares ...

Unforgettable Party Planning Ideas and Event Giveaways

Plan an event that everyone will be talking about. Use these event giveaway ideas to keep people talking ...