Suzanne discusses ...

Branded VR Glasses Show Customers a Stunning New View

Upgrade how customers view your business with VR with these four tips. Then use branded VR glasses to kee...

Shaun likes ...

Branded Gifts for Home Team Spirit

While most of us are staying home right now, lift spirits and increase connections with creative inspirat...

Amanda likes ...

Body Camera Pros and Cons

This article discusses body camera pros and cons for government employees who face high-conflict situatio...

Shaun recommends ...

Bite-size ads keep them coming back for more

In 2016, Google® launched a new ad format called bumper ads.

Amanda likes ...

Beyond demographic segmentation: The changing face of consumerism

This Blue Paper discusses going beyond traditional demographic segmentation to better understand consumer...

Rebecca writes ...

Better their learning experiences with augmented reality – Canada

And much the way people were catching creatures, you can use augmented reality and tech giveaways to capt...

Shaun shares ...

Better their learning experiences with augmented reality

Originally created in 1968, augmented reality became a major buzzword in 2016 with the release of Pokémo...

Diane recommends ...

Artificial Intelligence

This Blue Paper explores the rise of artificial intelligence and its use in business applications and mor...

Sarah discusses ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions – Canada

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service is on the rise, and it’s likely more common...

Tiffany suggests ...

Advantageous ways AI can power up customer interactions

One study estimated that by 2020, 85 percent of customer interactions will occur with no human involvemen...