Sandy writes ...

5 ways to learn and benefit from customer reviews – Canada

While positive customer reviews are almost always well-received, even negative reviews can provide benefi...

Carrie describes ...

Tips and customer service giveaways to amend supply chain disruptions

Even with supply chain disruptions, you can make your customers satisfied with your brand and their order...

Emily discusses ...

Tips and customer service giveaways to amend supply chain disruptions – Canada

Supply chain disruptions can cause inconveniences for customers—and your team. We offer ideas plus cust...

Julie describes ...

4 ways businesses can engage the community (plus community giveaway ideas)

Engaging with the community provides mutual benefits for families, neighbors and businesses. We offer fun...

Adam shares ...

5 creative ideas for parking lot utilization – Canada

If your city has unused parking lots or even unused parking spots, we offer creative ideas for transformi...