Cheryl digs ...

Nikolas Ritschel Foundation: one by one story

Find out how the Nikolas Ritschel Foundation is using custom embroidered beanies and custom printed headb...

Rebecca shares ...

amplify: Boost annual appeals with the spirit of giving

Are you planning an annual appeal for your nonprofit? Check out our four tips, including the use of perso...

Sarah digs ...

3 ways to use promotional products for fundraising

Successful nonprofit events take creativity and hard work. Choosing the right promotional products for fu...

Tiffany suggests ...

4 Event Ideas to Shine a Light on Your Nonprofit

Does your fundraising event need a little refresh? Are you looking for ways to add a spark to your next b...

Sarah writes ...

Bagong Kulturang Pinoy: one by one story

Bagong Kulturang Pinoy, a charitable organization, was the recipient of a promotional products grant thro...